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References to External Databases

Compounds and reactions in enviPath can be automatically linked to external databases.At the Compound level, we've integrated links to PubChem, ChEBI, and KEGG. Reactions, on the other hand, can now be directly linked to Rhea, a curated database of biochemical reactions.This functionality is available on the package, pathway, compound, compound structure or reaction upon the selection of the “Update References” option on the “Actions” dropdown. This will trigger an automatic workflow that will link the compounds and reactions to external databases.The “Update References” feature on the Package page, will update all the compounds and reactions of the package, while for the Pathway page only the compounds and reactions within the pathway will be updated and allowing reaching the highest granularity on compound, compounds structure and reaction page.To optimize resource usage in enviPath, references can be updated only once per compound or reaction.. If new references want to be added please contact us.

references_to_external_databases.1725275615.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/02 11:13 by shankar