======Main Page====== enviPath is an online, publically available [[start#database]] and [[start#prediction]] system for microbially mediated biotransformations of organic environmental contaminants. It is the successor of the University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database and Pathway Prediction System (now [[http://eawag-bbd.ethz.ch/|EAWAG-BBD/PPS]]) and is a continually evolving product of over 20 years of international scientific collaboration. The enviPath platform provides a thorough, mechanistic understanding and prediction of biotransformation pathways in different experimental and environmental conditions such that academic research teams, consultants, public authorities, and chemical industries can collectively work to reduce harmful chemical contamination in the environment. Below is a brief timeline describing the history of enviPath. {{map>timeline_static1.png?1000|Timeline of enviPath}} * [[https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/38/suppl_1/D488/3112190|Link to Gao et al 2009 @80,100,350,205|target=_tab]] * [[https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/44/D1/D502/2502710?login=true|Wicker et al 2016 @370,100,660,200|target=_tab]] * [[https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2017/em/c6em00697c|Latino et al 2017 @500,325,765,444|target=_tab]] {{